Ladies, it's time for YOU to increase YOUR 'Inner Roarness' to transform YOUR trauma!

This will lead you to become a WARRIOR AND NOT A WORRIER! Rejoicing, romancing and renovating your 'Roaring Resilience' so you can go on to create the long-term lifestyle you deserve!

I see you, I hear you, I feel you, so I have done 90% of the work for you, so you only need to put in 10% effort to start transforming your trauma.

This is the first step, so let Me Help You! 
Now is the time to access your 'Inner Roarness' checklist, it's the first step to transform your trauma!

Why is this ideal for you right now?

A warm hello to you, I'm Sunita Johal and, in today's fast-paced world, taking care of your inner wellness is crucial for your overall well-being. Increasing your inner resilience can help you transform trauma and navigate life's challenges with strength and grace. By cultivating a sense of your ‘Inner Roarness’, you empower yourself to face adversity head-on and emerge stronger from difficult situations. It is about tapping into your inner strength and building a resilient mindset that can help you bounce back from setbacks and thrive in the face of adversity.

Trauma can have a lasting impact on our physiological, mental and emotional health, but by prioritising self-care and inner growth, you can begin the journey towards healing and transformation. Developing your ‘Inner Roarness’ allows you to build a strong foundation of self-awareness, self-compassion, and emotional resilience. It enables you to confront your past experiences, process your emotions, and ultimately move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment. By investing in your inner well-being, you are investing in your ability to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life for yourself.

Whether you are seeking therapy, self-reflection, or personal development, increasing your ‘Inner Roarness’ can be a powerful tool in your journey towards healing and transformation. Embracing your inner strength and resilience not only helps you overcome past traumas but also equips you with the tools to navigate future challenges with confidence and courage. By caring for your inner self and prioritising your emotional well-being, you can unlock your full potential and live a more authentic, empowered life.

You landed here for a reason, let's get transforming your trauma. 

Sunita Johal - FFHT, MICHT, MIFHB, BSYA (Col.) R-NFR(S). Dip. AH. CH. Author of 'AWAKEN THE AURA'

Your FREE 'Inner Roarness' checklist is just an Email Address Away!

Take a look at how some of my clients have taken to having their trauma transformed.
The  'Increase your 'Inner Roarness' to transform your trauma' checklist has been used within the sessions with my client's , so I wanted to share it to help YOU gain a valid and quicker starting point.

I totally understand as a holistic Spiritual wellness therapist  with a Psychodynamic Psychoanalyst background, that every trauma story is different as is how we deal with it and bring ourselves to safety.

Start NOW by  clicking the button below and start 'Increasing your 'Inner Roarness' to transform your trauma' to take back YOUR POWER!

Love & Light,  Sunita, x

Still wondering why you should download the 'Increase YOUR 'Inner Roarness' to transform YOUR trauma' checklist?

It's the first step forward, which is always the hardest step, but you are seen, heard and felt and it's time to get YOUR POWER BACK!

“You're gaining a combination and balance of lion and lioness energy whilst holistically and safely taking care of your physiological, emotional and/or psychological trauma.”  

Imagine having a lifestyle where you're not having to keep looking over your shoulder, but instead you feel that you can utilise an activity to start bringing you to safety.

Perhaps you would love to feel safe, but don't know where to start.
Maybe people, situations,  feelings and emotions have held you back from wanting to get YOUR POWER BACK and your voice has been silenced without the know how to activate it.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to start the process to decrease anger, stress, grief, anxiety and fear? 

I know you may have many questions, and let me reassure you that I understand that you may feel overwhelmed, however, the process has been made to be clear, fun and also where you make the choice in terms of your activity in your space and you can build on this too. 

I feel fortunate enough to have been able to help so many ladies increase their 'Inner Roarness', then move them onto the next stage to use 'Seven colours to rejoicing, romancing and renovating  their 'Roaring Resilience' so they become 'A Warrior and not A Worrier' to create and the long-term lifestyle they deserve!

I worked with doctors who didn't know what to do with their patients. I was also tasked with reducing their patient's medication or wean them off them safely but by utilising my own background with helping those who had been through trauma which affected them physiologically, psychologically or/and emotionally because the 'health system' wasn't working for them, they were on a waiting list and I would work with my clients and docs patients to find unconventional ways to help as you may already gathered that humans aren't robots, so text book material is great for info, but not necessarily application all the time. I work holistically, not clinically.

Instead of just applying the info, I listened to a lot of people who went through trauma and found what they struggled most with, it ranged from self love, self compassion, shame and not being seen, heard or felt in terms of their story or emotion. 

It was also common for them to have an autoimmune dis-ease, which is where I've been since the year 2000 with my own trauma at that time which was due to a change in job I was getting used to and as time went on, I went from having full on psoriasis on my arms and legs, to a phantom pregnancy, an underactive thyroid, depression, and then the peri menopause to menopause and even a cancer scare.  That was a crazy time! However, I have been able to sustain myself and I went on to start Counselling others for a therapy in 2006 and gained more accolades over the years which meant I could help YOU even more so!

Feeling safe is paramount, but it was hard for most trauma survivors to do so,  so I gained further knowledge, listened more to the holistic professionals who work with us therapists to make the place a safe one for you. However, I found myself changing, altering, trialing and seeing how my clients and docs patients were getting on with their process for 30+years and here we are!
L&L Sunita, x

Your checklist is one Email Address Away

There's no time to hesitate...
'Increase YOUR 'Inner Roarness' to transform YOUR trauma' today! 

Get the checklist and take YOUR POWER BACK!